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Tag: stereo recording

The Amazon Soundscape

The Amazon Soundscape

…Bio-Acoustic niche or what environment can tell us through sound… The first noticeable aspect of Amazonian rainforest for the visitors is perhaps the strikingly high number of the living creatures compared to proportion of the area. You just have to point towards a direction and you will notice something moving! There are even some plant species that live on the surface of the fast and powerful Amazon river current. The Amazon rainforest alone hosts around 10 percent of the world’s known species and it only…

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The Sound of Amazon Flooded Forest

The Sound of Amazon Flooded Forest

Flying over a never ending sea of green! Over the unimaginably vast and densely dispersed canopy, too grandiose to be real to my eyes! Over the horizon, where the green was fading into the sky blue, the glaring mighty Rio Amazonas was zigzagging gracefully through the rainforest, like a massive silver vein spreading evenly throughout the land feeding various life forms. What a beauty! La Amazonia. The name Rio Amazonas was given by Francisco de Orellana a Spanish explorer and conquistador…

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